Detailed outline   Sample slides
  • 1 days

Target audience
  • Non technical staff in organizations dealing with communications equipment (equipment vendors and distributors)
  • The seminar is targeted to staff in departments such as: finance, human resources, production, operations, etc.

Basic curriculum
  • Built in a “simple to digest” format, full of nice examples and interesting details related to persons and events from the communications world, the seminar covers quite an extensive amount of topics, including:
- Analog vs. Digital
- Bits vs. Bytes
- Optical Fibers
- History of the telephony network
- History of the Internet
- WAN vs. LAN vs. PAN and their respective main standards
- The story of Hedi LAMARR, the inventor of the radio technology
  used in Bluetooth
  • The seminar is entertaining, funny, not boring. Highly recommended!
  • None
Detailed outline   Sample slides
Fixed Broadband Wireless Access | Inter networking and Internet working with Bridges, Routers, Switches and NATs | IP Traffic Engineering | Voice over IP (VoIP) - short introduction | Voice over IP (VoIP) - introduction | Wireless LAN | Introduction to data communications for non technical staff

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